
Showing posts from June, 2007

A Mokery of Justice - Paris Hilton

Talk about making a mockery of justice! Hilton is out after barely 5 days? Whoever says there are no double standards in the justice system of the US is ignorant. No ordinary person who has "records" minor crime, altercation with the law in the famed third-strike state like California will be allowed to go scott-free. That's pretty much what has happened; Paris Hilton she went unpunished for breaking the law just the way the "some" elites of this country escape the rule of the law. She was given house arrest for only 40 days! If you've been to Beverly Hills area you'll know this is a joke and the Hilton family being one of the early settlers of the city has a very huge pad. So she will pretty much be on vacation with party and spa treatment continuing. Abuse of the law is a common occurrence in Washington, so why not in Hollywood? But I salute the jury of I Scooter Libby courtroom for rendering him guilty. In his case however, I believe he knew something

What? Tony Blair to be named Mideast Envoy

More and more the state of world politics just gets ridiculous. Tony Blair of all people? Are there no other qualified people in the world? He was the key spokesman for George Bush on the Iraq fiasco and now he would be appointed as an envoy to the same region. This is like letting a cat guard a mouse. True, he is eloquent, perhaps good negotiator and supposedly bright - everyone attested to this because of his Oxford education but that doesn't make him fit, politically, for the proposed position of middle ease envoy. To make the situation worse, the Yahoo article indicated that it is very likely he gets it. Maybe he is good for the post but not right after his premiership. There should be at least a cooling down period of about three years - he needs to reflect on his part in the atrocities of Iraq.