
Showing posts from September, 2007

7 Year Hitch

Frankly I think it is a good idea that there should be clauses in marriage that actually expire the marital relationship in seven years. Yes, that’s what a German politician, Ms. Gabriele Pauli of the Christian Social Union, proposed. She should know, she has been married three times. Sadly she lost to an old fuddy - duddy , Erwin Huber. As intriguing her notions are I don’t see how to make it work amicably between married couples, especially when the issues of children are in the picture. However, it is worth noting since there are many marriages that fail within the first few years. Maybe the jet set will start the trend, but they already have higher divorce rate than ordinary people anyway. The Telegraph's articles on the subject is quoted below for your reading pleasure. German politician argues for 7-year marriagesBy Harry de Quetteville in Berlin Last Updated: 3:55am BST 21/09/2007 A latex-wearing, twice-divorced German politician has stunned her staunchly conservative party

Racism is Still Alive

I read somewhere that 6 high school students face charges in Jena Louisiana because one of them defies the unstated rule at the school. He sat under a tree on the school campus that's reserved only for his fellow white students. I can't do justice to the story here I am hoping that you will take the initiative to read about it in the full story I pasted below. The source of the story is website called The Color of Change . Better yet, since most of us are visual, I have also posted a youtube link to a video about the on-going this particular injustice done to Jena 6. Cheers... Message Source: Youtube .com Video: Last fall in Jena, the day after two Black high school students sat beneath the "white tree" on their campus, nooses were hung from the tree. When the superintendent dismissed the nooses as a "prank," more Black students sat under the tree in protest. The Distr