3D Express Coach (PICTURES): China Plans Huge Buses That Can DRIVE OVER Cars

I think this is a fantastic idea and China may just pull it off. If you ever been to China or followed some news other than the jives we hear in our media, you will no doubt be impressed by developments in China. Yes, they don't have "freedom" and US still refer to them as Commies. Every political setup has its negative side. That aside:

- They are planning on sending humans to the moon

- The Chinese pulled of the 2008 Olympic flawlessly

- The constructed train to the edge of the Himalayas, elevation closes to 12,000 foot above sea level

- They are building high-speed rail to connect remote parts of the country (We cannot even connect LA to San Francisco)

- They build the largest dam in the world. Ok, I am inviting snide comments from the environmentalist on this one. Even when I saw PBS special on the villages, livestock and vegetation that would be submerged by the Three Gorges Dam, I squirmed.

- This one is sad; China would have constructed structures that are 10 times better than World Trade Center since 911. We instead (although not a government property but it should have been a chance for it to take over such a project!) wallow in self pity and show our indecisiveness to the world! Ha, some world power!

Some posters are correct in saying that we have crippled developments and innovations and I have no solution because our society doesn't seem to want
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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