Why is Bristol Paling Getting a Reality Show?

What has Bristol Palin done to deserve her own reality show? Nothing, absolutely nothing! It seems that the only thing the Palin women know how to do is to sell themselves and they are doing a damn good job of it, and bravo to us, America for buying their bullshit. As of 8:45 PM on Monday May 09, 2011, Google News showed there were 353 news stories regarding Bristol Palin getting her own reality show. I hope and really, really hope that those articles are as critical as this one. Else the writers would be rounded up with the idiotic group of TV studio executives that think her life and her dirty laundry is worth airing on television. And I would not stop at blasting the TV executives; I would extend my criticism to the corporate brand name marketers that would place their 30, 60 seconds commercials on that reality show. When and where have we lost our standards? Oh, by the way, a few weeks ago it was reported that she made over 250K on her teenage pregnancy work last year. For what? What would she tell teenagers, "Don't have sex,” and in whispers she would add “But seriously you should because you can become like me, I am a celebrity.”

What has she experienced other than getting impregnated by another teenager? (Readers, trust me, what I was going to write was far vulgar, but I respect my friends.) Does she have a one of a kind of voice and have pressed a superb album? Was she a child prodigy in science or mathematics that has earned a PhD at by age 20? Was she a spelling champion or a violinist that was unwillingly thrust into fame? Even beauty pageant participants are far, far superior in intellect and more talented.

The irony of the matter is that these are the kind of entertainment that we are demanding these days, but Jerry Springer has already given us more of that than we care to admit. Hell, she has a good role model; her sponge-brained mother became a governor, then by stroke of luck, (and thanks a lot Senator McCain) was launched to national spotlight to play her stupidity to America, to the tune of 25 million dollars in annual intake. You know, again the irony. That is what average America wants, and the Palins are playing us and ROTFL all the way to the bank. So who is stupid? We are, the media for giving them an audience, tea party members (sorry, you’re not worth capitalization) for paying Palin the senior $100k per appearance to listen to her hate rousing speeches. Hey, but average is what we want, and that’s exactly what we’ll get.


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